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TopTokenSales.com — независимое онлайн-издание о технологии блокчейн, криптовалютах и ICO-проектах. Наше основное преимущество в том, что мы собираем наиболее полную информацию об ICO-проектах и даём своим читателям эту информацию в удобном формате.
We believe that the most important thing in the Blockchain revolution is the ability of people to understand and embrace the change. Our journalism standards — impartiality, transparency, truthfulness and accuracy — will help you navigate this extremely dynamic world.
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Verified ICO status (Rating system)
Verified status ensures the reliability of ICO information, and proves that it is provided by a trustworthy source.
In the rating from 1 to 5 (orange stars), any users of the site can rate.
Verified Status (green color) can only specify a group of experts* and this status can not be purchased on our website.
* Our experts are specialists in the venture investments, analysis, fintech and information technologies.
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