Are you ready for the most powerful hackathon of Winter?
Hurry up! The last month of Serial Hacking before the Grand hackathon in Asia!!!
Serial Hacking is a series of blockchain hackathons. You can participate and aspire to victory at one or several hackathons.
The prize fund of December-January is 15 000 dollars!!!
A cherry on the cake: you can get more than one award for successful realization of any task, because according to hackathon’s conditions, it’s suggested the presence not only of general winning places but winning places from each of partners of Serial Hacking, among them one can emphasize monsters of blockchain industry such as: Fantom, NuCypher.
Even more, the main award of every month is a totally paid invitation to the Grand hackathon which will take place in February 2019 in Asia where teams-winners of Serial Hacking will have possibility to represent them-selves and their inventions to the global blockchain-society and communicate with industry’s dignitaries. It is not the done thing to slather such opportunities.
Participation at Serial Hacking is a possibility to earn good money, to get opportunity to develop the project. For another thing, it’s a perfect chance to show their talents, knowledge and skills to those who are able to duly appreciate them, the best experts participate at our hackathon.
Serial Hacking’s partners are worldwide known blockchain industry companies which are at active permanent search of new developers with creative and audacious thinking and they put high hopes on Russia and CIS countries in this way. As a consequence, having approved oneself at Serial Hacking, one can get an interesting employment offer and investment for realization of its own project.
Subject matter of Serial Hacking hackathons are as follows:
- system vulnerability tests,
- smart contracts,
- platform development from the ground up,
- finishing of existing platforms and development of applications.
Timeline for December/January is as follows:
1th January – 20January online hackathon: working on tasks in course of which participants will get support of personal moderator and representatives of interested companies.
20th January 11:59 p.m.– delivery of solutions and approval of projects, selection of teams and projects for personal participation in month final.
January 31th – offline-final of Serial Hacking Winter: summarizing, presentation of tasks solutions.
Importantly: one can participate at Serial Hacking marathon at a remove and it’s really convenient for those who doesn’t want to ask for leave from work once again, to change habitual surrounding or simply are not able to go for offline.
Dare! Everything you need to participate at Serial Hacking marathon – it’s a prior experience working with Solidity, C, C++, C#, php, javascript or python and, of course, the wish to win!
Register your-self here
Connect to the telegramm-chat; discuss all matters with participants and providers.

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