Category: exchanges

8 October 2018 1414
Total of 7 Crypto Exchanges and 158 Wallets Hacked in South Korea, Police Find
# crypto exchanges, hacking, Korea

26 September 2018 1199
Coinbase Gears Up for Biggest-Ever Expansion of Crypto Asset Listings
# Coinbase, listing

10 September 2018 1304
Major Korean Insurer to Offer Crypto Exchanges Insurance for Hacking Damages
# Bithumb, Coinone, hacking, Hanwha Insurance, Korbit, Upbit

4 September 2018 1214
Bittrex Delists Bitcoin Gold Amid Lack of Compensation Over 51% Attack
# 51% attack, Bitcoin Gold, Bittrex, delisted

3 September 2018 1345
Why you need a physical vault to secure a virtual currency
# Coinbase, cryptonews, largest, Tom Simonite

31 July 2018 912
Novogratz’s Crypto Bank Makes Belated Debut After Plunge
# blockchainnews, cryptonews, Galaxy Digital LP, Novogratz, trading

30 July 2018 937
Japan Self-Regulatory Crypto Exchange Association Considers Trading Cap for Some Clients
# cryptonews, exchanges, Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association, JVCEA, trading

25 July 2018 908
Coinbase Strikes Partnership for Crypto Gift Cards in Europe
# Coinbase, cryptonews, digital gift cards, exchanges

23 July 2018 887
CoinMarketCap stands for data transparency and clarity
# blockchainnews, CoinMarketCap, cryptonews, exchanges, listing

19 July 2018 909
OKEx and MSX Sign an MOU to Launch a New Platform for Security Tokens
# blockchainnews, exchanges, Malta, OKEx, Platform for Security Tokens, tokens