At the largest international forum on blockchain, cryptocurrency, ICO and mining in Russia and Eastern Europe, more than 60 blockchain projects were presented. Several conclusions of the editors:
Conclusion № 1. Trend changes. If in April at the exhibitions the overwhelming majority of booths were presented by projects and companies in the sphere of mining, in November 90% of booths are trading platforms and platforms, exchangers and exchanges. Then, miners, advertising aggregator projects, developer platforms, a couple of new cryptocurrencies, including EtherZero fork (ETZ), went in descending order.
Conclusion № 2.”ICO – no, not heard.” There were less than ten projects in progress or completed by the ICO. At the same time, none of them DECLARED that they have an ICO. An unusual phenomenon: we are rich and have made a project / platform for our money from the love of art.
Conclusion № 3. International projects are interested in the Russian community, investors and the market. This is stated by the projects, which came from Japan, Switzerland, Poland and other countries. In addition, you could have noticed a simple nuance, the Russian language appeared on 90% of the sites of projects and platforms, including international exchanges. Although in early 2018, a maximum of 1% of the projects took into account the Russian blockchain community.
Consider the largest group of submitted projects.
Presented exchanges: EXMO, COINDEAL, Bitlish and others. Also exchanging platforms for the purchase and exchange of cryptocurrency, related digital products: trading platforms, investment funds were presented: GOLDJOB, LHCRYPTO, MyCryptoBank, BTCBIT, TransCOIN, BERG CAPITAL,
The development of this direction in cryptoindustry is quite natural. At the moment, averaging data from different sources, about 700 cryptocurrency exchanges and various exchange sites provide their services. The number of cryptocurrencies traded on exchanges is more than 1,500, and these numbers are growing every day.
The second group of projects in size – miners. The exhibition was attended by both the “oldies” of the Russian mining market – Cryptouniverse, Bitferma, and newcomers: BURATINO and ComBox.
The project BURATINO is not connected with a fairy tale. The roots of the project and the name grow from the military sphere, and Buratino is a heavy flame-throwing system of volley fire based on the T-72 tank. The developers have designed a multi-miner of the new generation PAPA CARLO, which is capable of mining 14 cryptocurrencies, and at the moment they are conducting successful ICO to start production. In addition to the miner, team released a cold wallet Trezor Mini. The product from the world leader in the organization of cryptocurrency storage Trezor has been improved and reduced.

T-72 tank
The ComBox project creates systems for industrial mining of cryptocurrencies on a GPU with two-phase immersion cooling. Until the end of March 2019, he has the PreSale stage. The project team is ready to produce a large amount of equipment from partners in Taiwan and in China and promises a ROI of 350%.
The exhibition featured two tokens, one is for the real estate industry, the second is a socio-economic project for the development of natural deposits in Yakutia.
CROWDLITOKEN offers to buy tokens at the ICO stage. The number of tokens determines your share as a percentage of the real estate that is reserved by the project for the purchase, and even gives up and generates income. Ermak Coin proposes to invest in the development and extraction of natural resources. According to representatives of the project, Yakutia is a unique territory in terms of diversity, quantity and quality of mineral. Here 1823 deposits of 58 types of mineral raw materials are officially registered. At the same time, more than 16 thousand potential deposits remain poorly studied. The project on the NEO platform is deployed.
We will complete our review with a project in which the editorial staff of the TTS already owns a certain part, namely a small piece of digital land in the center of London, where we will definitely set the editorial flag.
Arcona is a platform that automatically generates an augmented reality layer on the surface of the planet. It allows you to remotely manage any virtual content. The task of the platform is to automatically generate on the surface of the planet a layer of augmented reality, that is, “Digital Earth”. Thousands of AR-applications can work simultaneously in this space, including games and advertising shows, virtual shops and tourist attractions. Smart contract guarantees protection of copyright and property rights. The system automates deductions of fees to content creators and rent to owners of digital assets.

exhibition Blockchain Life 2018